Keeping Pests Away From Your Home

Protecting Birds Of Prey While Effectively Controlling Rodents

No one wants wild rats and mice on their property. From homeowners to farmers, getting rid of rodents and keeping them away is a top pest control priority. But some forms of pest control can make the rodents damaging to any prey animal that consumes them, so care must be taken to effectively control the rat and mouse population without harming owls and other birds of prey. First of all, if you have a lot of rodents in your area, then it's likely there are owls, hawks and even osprey and eagles around. Read More 

Signs That You Might Have A Termite Problem In Your Home

If you discover that you indeed have a problem with termites in your home, you are going to want to make sure that you are calling the best pest control professional. Of course, you might want to know what the signs of termites are before you start setting up any appointments with an exterminator. Take a moment to review the following signs that you might have a problem with termites so you can take immediate action. Read More 

3 Tips For Treating A Bee Sting

While bees are generally happy minding their own business, sooner or later everyone is bound to experience a bee sting. When that time comes, the more you know, the better. If you would like to learn more about treating a bee sting, read on. This article will provide three tips for keeping discomfort at a minimum.   Remove the stinger as quickly as possible. When a bee stings, it leaves its stinger lodged in your flesh. Read More 

What Is That Fluttering Sound? Getting Bats Out Of Your Attic

If you hear fluttering in your ceiling at dusk and see small birds flying from your home, you likely have bats in the attic. You might also hear this noise at dawn also. Bats gravitate to tight warm spaces, so an attic is perfect for them. They can enter into any tiny hole, but it's important for the health of your family to evict them as soon as possible. This guide explains how to exclude bats and how to prevent them from entering your home again. Read More